Wednesday, July 18

Another new blog....

Ok, I'm really getting pissed at this website, but I think I have it figured out now...

My new blog is at:

Hopefully this is the last new blog I'll have for a while.....

Wednesday, June 20

I'm Back....

Yes, I am back. I'm very sorry to my legions of readers who have been clamoring for a fresh post.

I had moved on for a while to Myspace, but I got sick of the oly people who wanted to be my friend being garbage bands. My girlfriend Michelle talked me into joining it (which I held out on for months) so once she quit it there was no way I was gonna stick around on it.

I'm working on moving in with Michelle at the end of the month. I'm getting pretty excited about moving. My new place is a lot closer to downtown Ottawa and should cut my commute to work in half (though it is only about 30 minutes now). It's a good sized apartment and I think will serve our purposes quite well.

I think that I will be updating this a lot more frequently now that the hockey season is over. And especially if Michelle keeps hogging the TV by watching crappy reality shows. Since when did losers dancing become such a good idea for a show? Or morons singing that all sound like a cat that just had its tail run over by a car?

Ciao for now....

Tuesday, February 27

Deadline Madness....

I cannot believe that Ryan Smyth is now an Islander...

The Oilers will be lost without him, and I don't just mean this year...

For shame, Kevin Lowe. For shame....

Saturday, February 10


Tonight I saw the best quote ever made about war. Sure it was in a commercial for the Carolina Hurricanes, but it is still a brilliant line...

'War does not determine who is right, only who is left.'

True, it may have something to do with the amount of alcohol I've consumed tonight, But I find this line to be absolutely brilliant!

More to follow tomorrow if:

a) It is still intriguing to me when I am sober
b) I remember that I made this post
c) I actually bother to update this blog

Until tomorrow then.... Or not....

Wednesday, December 27

Boxing Day Bargains...

Well, I finally caved. Yesterday I bought an iPod.

So far it seem pretty good. I've downloaded all my music onto it and have only filled one third of the space. I can't wait until I get home and can start downloading videos onto it.

And this morning I had the inspiration to look for some of the artists that I liked on Rockstar: Supernova. Toby and Magni don't seem to have anything out yet, but I did find Patrice Pike's new album. I really liked her on the show and the original song that she did was great so i didn't hesitate to download the album from iTunes. Ok, I did hesitate for a moment to check if I could download it on Ares for free. Of course I couldn't. I can't wait to listen to the album this afternoon.

Friday, December 22

Cancer Blows…

I spent the other night with my mom in the Cancer Lodge in Vancouver. She is currently fighting Leukemia and has to go to the nearby hospital on a daily basis for treatment and to get blood.

The lodge itself isn’t such a bad place, sorta like a hotel room. But to stay there for 3 months like she has I’m sure feels like agony.

As I type this we are currently onboard a ferry bound for Nanaimo. Mom wasn’t feeling so well on the car ride from the lodge to the ferry so now she is laying down and resting. Of course, there is not a designated place for doing this, so we have set her up on a box that is used to store curtains that cover the windows when it is dark out such that the interior lights do not interfere with the view of the water. We have gotten a few weird looks, but what are we to do? She desperately needs to rest and this is the only place she can do so.

I hope that she will start to feel a little better in the next few days.

Probably the best Christmas present that she could get this year would be to find a bone marrow donor for her so that she can maybe stop the chemotherapy and start getting healthier. Anyone wanna donate their marrow?

I know she will not stop fighting this but it is hard to see her going through it.

I come for the service, but I stay for the leg room...

Well, I have successfully arrived in Vancouver for the holidays. The flight out here was one of the best I have ever been on.

There are some people who may tell you that there is really no difference between first class and coach class on an airplane. Those people are absolutely wrong.

By giving up the seat I had on my Toronto-Vancouver flight (which I had already switched into to let two other people sit together) to a guy so he could sit with his wife and child, I eventually got bumped up to first class. What a fabulous experience! An abundance of leg room and fully reclining chairs are only some of the perks that come with a first-class ticket. I also got some wine and a meal. And after all that, I got a warm wet towel to clean myself up with.

I will now begin scheming to come up with a way of getting into first class on the return trip on the 31st.